Tabla de contenidos
1. Some Roots of Minimalism in Generative Grammar , Robert Freidin and Howard Lasnik
2. Features in Minimalist Syntax , David Adger and Peter Svenonius
3. Case , David Pesetsky and Esther Torrego
4. Merge and Bare Phrase Structure , Naoki Fukui
5. Structure and Order: Asymmetric Merge , Jan-Wouter Zwart
6. Multidominance , barbara Citko
7. The Copy Theory , Jairo Nunes
8. A-bar Dependencies , Norvin Richards
9. Head-Movement and the Minimalist Program , Ian Roberts
10. Minimality , Luigi Rizzi
11. Derivational Cycles , Juan Uriagereka
12. Anti-Locality: Too-close Relations in Grammar , Kleanthes K. Grohmann
13. Derivation(s) , Samuel D. Epstein, Hisatsugu Kitahara, and T. Daniel Seely
14. No Derivation Without Representation , Robert Chametzky
15. Last Resort with Move and Agree in Derivations and Representations , Zeljko Boskovic
16. Optionality , Shigeru Miyagawa
17. Syntax and Interpretation Systems: How is their labour Divided? , Eric Reuland
18. Minimalist Construal: Two Approaches to A and B , Alex Drummond, Dave Kush, and Norbert Hornstein
19. A Minimalist Approach to Argument Structure , Heidi Harley
20. Minimalist Semantics , Gillian Ramchand
21. Minimal Semantic Instructions , Paul Pietroski
22. Language and Thought , Wolfram Hinzen
23. Parameters , Angel Gallego
24. Minimalism and Language Acquisition , Charles Yang and Tom Roeper
25. A Minimalist Program for Phonology , Bridget Samuels
26. Minimizing Language Evolution: The Minimalist Program and teh Evolutionary Shaping of Language ,Victor Longa, Guillermo Lorenzo, and Juan Uriagereka
27. Computational perspectives on Minimalism , Ed Stabler
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